Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hi everyone!

So the HIV/AIDS seminar is less than a week away. I have no idea how it will turn out. All I know is that God is in it and is in control. It has not exactly turned out the way I had dreamed it, but I, once again, am reminded that my dreams are not God's plans. :) I am very excited to see what God can do with those that show up, no matter how small the number might be.

I am using this blog to ask you to please be in prayer all week for this event. Pray that all of things that need to be done in preparation will get finished in time. Pray that He Intends Victory will have safe travel. Pray that God will use their testimonies to impact the lives of whoever chooses to attend. Pray that ONLY God will be given the glory. Continue to pray for direction for anyone involved in this ministry. We are going to need it. Thank you for all your prayers. I love you all and hope to see some of you there. I will let you know how it goes! In the meantime, PRAY!!!!!!

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